T.X. Watson

The T stands for absence, the X stands for negation

T.X. Watson is a content creator and public scholar whose research focuses on emerging media and the relationships creators have with their audiences. They have a background in memetics and journalism, and freelance as as UX designer and graphic artist, using their unique skillset to create engaging and visually captivating experiences for end users.


“I never know what kind of cursed shit is going to happen when you’re around.” —Ilana Degann

“‘I was right’ is an especially alarming message coming from you.” —Astrid Lundberg

“It feels like you’ve dropped this tiny little bomb every time you open your mouth, and we’re all just waiting for it to explode.” —Micah Levine

“I can’t imagine being your therapist, honestly.” —Lokeigh

“You are constantly constructing situations in which the people you love will have to say things to you that add to your general aura. And then you take all the words like a goddamned fae and you collect them.” —Cecelia (Click here for more of Cecelia’s testimonials)

“You’re very easy to love. You seem like you would be very painful to fall in love with.” —Elli Peacock

“You know Miku Binder Jefferson? You’re that but for John Green” —Blythe (amiafairyprincessyet)

“r” —Sophi Toad

“I know you have an age, scientifically. You’re probably not immortal.” —Zélie Thorn

“You seem like you’re probably world-class at pining.” —Mack

“Villainous abominable misleader of youth!” —TikTok commenter

“I’m great at honesty in performance. I’m terrible at being honest on purpose. My honesty-on-purpose is actually self-destructive rumination.” —T.X. Watson